Hinduism vs Wokism

6 min readJan 15, 2022


Historically, Nireeshvara matas निरीश्वर मताः developed and expanded from Bihar weakened Hinduism internally. At many times in ancient history, these religions ajivika, charvaka, budhism and jainism became so strong with royal patronage that it almost broke hinduism.

Even today many of the ideas causing internal weakness to hinduism is ideas which originated in these atheist religions. The gandhian ahimsa/vegetarian fanatism which is popular narrative in North West of india is from budhist/jain circles. The too much importance for guna theory/satva guna is from jain thoughts. Many Hindus are also heavily influenced by karma theory of budhism which is different from karma theory of Hinduism.

The problem is so high that most hindus dont even know that they are more guided by the propaganda of nireeshvara matas rather than by hindu thoughts. such internal disturbance in thought process of Hindus made them too weak to battle external disturbance also.

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The missionaries of Ashoka/ kings like him, spread budhism from central asia to afghan to srilanka to south east asia. Jainism also got patronage of many royal clans.

With great difficulty, the core geographic area of bharatavarsha /region corresponding to the india could regain its Hindu identity. However the outer areas starting from central asia, sindh/afghan/myanmar/srilanka/south east asia remained within the control of these nireeshwara religions.

Medieval Period

Later on, during medieval period, Budhist churches with its big business trade routes/mercantile community opened the door for desert cult to raid bharata for quick money. Many mercentile sanghas even funded desert cult raids into bharata. The outer regions of Bharatavarsha like central asia/afghan/sindh were first converted to desert cults with mercentile budhist sanghas converting first for big money. Once big-money backs such onslaught, normal people have limited chance to survive.

Post 15th century, big-money backed europeans started colonisation of India. Each trade deals with small dukedoms in india increased their money power. They even backed jehadi’s and used the jehadi violent power for conquest of India. Mysore invasion of kerala and geocide of Nairs by jehadi tipu were for achieving the business interest’s of the french : for a sea port along the west coast with access to deccan. british, who were partners with kingdoms of kerala strategically went silent during the french-jehadi combined onslaught. post 1800 pan india came under East India Company of the british.

Under british rule, socialism, which is product of european christianity was effectively used to internally weaken Hinduism. Both the right and left wing of parties during british raj was proponent of socialist ideas.


The grip of socialism continued in indian psyche even after independence. Post 90’s india started becoming under the influence of american empire. post 2014 we became a completely vassal state of globohomo american empire.

Just like how budhist sanghas and their big business interest contributed for the fall of the bharat, the neo sangha and big business collaborators of india are facilitating the woke take over of india. Just as repeat of history, the state is the patron of the woke religion in india. they are actively making sure and formulating laws which will eventually trigger the wholescale conversion out of Hinduism into woke religion. The lust of RW for america and its degenerate lifestyle contributed greatly for the growth of ‘’wokism’’ religion of India.

What one can personally observe is that, even families and persons who were behaving pretty conservative till 2000 , have no problem in shifting towards woke behaviour these days. leave alone conservatism in religious duties, even the financial conservatism of families is also fast disappearing. The deteriorating personal integrity of people and dharma chyuti is the main cause of internalisation of woke religion by Hindus.

Unlike past, the new nireeshvara mata of woke doesnt have the standard form of religion. It basically encourages charvaka/hedonist life style with no values. So wokism is internal subversion in the hindu values/ thinking process of the people. once thought process is subverted the actions are also subverted and people seizes to live as a Hindu.

The essential feature of the Hindu religion was Dharma saved in the clans. Family deities, rituals and traditions saved and transmitted in the large joint families. Culture was saved in these clans and just handful of these interlinked local clans always saved their specific local culture, from art to science to technology to finance to farming. Starting british raj Indian state actively formulated laws to break the large clan system of indian families. However our family sytem still remained even after moving into nuclear family.

The essential feature of wokism is complete dissolvement of family and state take over as the only guardian / patron of the individual self. Such destruction of family dissolves the duty of the individual towards his family/clan. Once duty towards /parents/children/siblings, related family members are dissolved wokism instructs him to engage fully into hedonist lifestyle for personal pleasure with state as his only master. Wokism thus is re-emergence of slave system.

Hinduism Vs Wokism

Wokism is subversion in the thought process. It is essentially degradation in our integrity and dharma. Woke relgion doesnt have standard religious format, with which we all are familiar till date. It just degrades us and enhances hedonism. Hence conversion to wokism is so easy.

Unlike the past clash of civilisations with atheist religions ( budha/charvaka/ jaina etc), Hinduism of today lacks hindu institutions and leadership which can fight with the new wokist religion. We have appointed the neo sangha as the thekedars of our reliegion and discarded our responsibilty. the charvaka neo sangha prefers and hedonist life style and is breaking the sacred rituals, traditions, temples, tirthas and even the family system of hindus.

marital rape supported by neo sangha and neo rulers

The holy land for neo charvaka wokism is america. The LUST ( it is pure lust not any love or respect) of Indians for america has crossed all boundaries. This lust makes them accept wokism; as wokism is the state religion of the globo american empire. The lightening conversion of even the 50+ age group crowd into wokism from conservative life is due to the lust of indians for america. They dream to convert their current home town/village as the woke holy land of america, if they cant physically migrate to that holyland.

Those who have already migrated to woke holy land meekly accepted the state religion of the empire and is doing free propaganda that Hinduism accepts woke in its entirety. My previous article on this subject can be read here : Umrican Hindus as agents to destroy core of traditional Hinduism | by Jayarevathi | Medium

Umrican Hindus as agents to destroy core of traditional Hinduism | by Jayarevathi | Medium

probably it is not known to many : but fact of matter is, almost entire saffron clads are sold out to neo charvaka sangha. hence any hindu expecting saffron clads to fight for hindu cuase is living in fools paradise ( can write an entire article on this point alone, but not doing it, as it is plain waste of time) .

What is our fate ?

Three questions linger in my mind. Probably readers can think about these questions.

  • Are we destined to doom ?
  • if that is the case, Should we meekly accept the forthcoming doom ?
  • or should we fight till death fully knowing what is upcoming for us

Many people have predicted that wokism will be the mainstream religion in india in coming years. Family and Institution of marriage will suffer heavily in near future. hence dharma/dharma which is saved the clans, will take a heavy toll in coming years.

Now few questions linger in my mind. Hope readers will read and let me know what you think :

Is destiny of India = decisions of globohome american empire ?

Is destiny completely out of bound for the ordinary Hindus ? are we as society that powerless ? just slaves of the few world rulers ?

are we destined to doom ?

if that is the case, Should we meekly accept the forthcoming doom ?

